e-Training Webinar: 5 Keys to Unlocking Profitable Growth

Friday, April 28, 2017
9:00a.m. - 10:00a.m. CDT

Too often, distributors’ sales and marketing resources are tied down doing the same old things when they could be working for the company in much more powerful ways. How does this happen? It is partly due to a sales-oriented mentality that if the numbers are bad, it is the economy’s fault; if they are good, the discussion is unnecessary. When a senior executive starts asking questions about the return on sales and marketing investments, she may hear:

 • “We are not price competitive.”

• “This is the best we could do with limited funds.”

• “We need to hire more reps.”

• “I have to call on every customer, or our competitors will take the business.”

 These answers are drawn from anecdotes and emotional conviction. But the key to gaining true market alignment is to rely more on data than on assumptions and to challenge yourself to reconsider your role in the supply chain.

 A market access strategy provides a framework for distributors to align their investments with real opportunities for growth. Market access is about understanding what’s really happening in your markets and responding accordingly. And it’s an ongoing process, with stops along the way. It’s not about pinning your success on one tool or a one-size-fits-all approach.

 In this valuable webinar, you'll learn the five keys to ensuring your distribution business doesn’t miss out on growth.

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