Performance Plastics Level II

If you’ve passed the IAPD Performance Plastics Certificate Level I exam, challenge yourself and enroll in the next level of IAPD’s performance plastics training program. The IAPD Performance Plastics Certificate Level II exam is an advanced program that puts the information from Level I to practical use with applications from a variety of markets. Level II challenges your technical knowledge, research skills and business acumen by evaluating your ability to help customers find real solutions.

As with the business world, you won’t know the answers to all the questions but you will need to be able to demonstrate that you can find the answers. Therefore, a study guide is not provided. Rather, you are encouraged to use IAPD's many plastics technical resources to guide you to the right answer. You may also search IAPD's website, Google or call IAPD members directly to help you complete the exam.


  • You have 60 days to complete Level II. The exam requires significantly more effort. Allow yourself ample time.
  • Level II learners must have successfully passed Level I
  • You must achieve a passing score of 85 percent or above
  • If you score 85 percent or below, you must retake the full exam at the $129 or $179 member/nonmember price. If you score between 71 and 84 percent, you may retake only the portion of the exam that you missed at the $39 retake price.
  • Exam is open book, open notes - learners may consult co-workers and/or use IAPD's plastics technical resources, etc.
  • You can only hit “Final Submit” one time


  • Member price: $129
  • Special price (IAPD member with 3 or more applicants) - $119 each
  • Special price (IAPD member with 20 or more applicants) - $99 each


Learner Confidentiality Agreement

By applying for an IAPD Certificate Program, you indicate you understand, acknowledge and agree to the following:

  • The questions and answers on the exams are the exclusive and confidential property of IAPD.
  • You may not disclose exam questions or answers or discuss any of the content of exam materials with any person, without prior written approval of IAPD.
  • Not to copy or attempt to make copies (written, photocopied, or otherwise) of any exam material, including, without limitation, any exam questions or answers.
  • Not to sell, license, distribute, give away, or obtain from any other source other than IAPD exam materials, questions or answers.
  • Your obligations under this agreement shall continue to be in effect after the examination and, if applicable, after termination of your certificate, regardless of the reason or reasons for termination, and whether such termination is voluntary or involuntary.